How to Enrol
Starting school is an exciting time for children and their families and we welcome inquiries about enrolling your son or daughter. The enrolment process for New Entrants, starts around six weeks before your child turns five. For older students we ask you to get in contact as soon as you are able.
For students enrolling we ask you to email office@blockhousebay.school.nz providing your children's names and birth dates. Our staff will be in contact to arrange completion of enrolment documentation and to arrange an appointment with Neil Robinson, Principal, or Elizabeth Crisp, Associate Principal so that you can discuss your child's enrolment and you can view our school.
We work hard to ensure each child has a positive and successful transition to our school. We invite all families of five year olds to take part in school visits to help your child feel safe and ready to learn!
Enrolment Scheme
Please be aware that Blockhouse Bay Primary School is governed by an enrolment scheme, details of which can be seen in the ‘Enrolment Zone' publication below.
We look forward to hearing from you.

How to Enrol
Starting school is an exciting time for children and their families and we welcome inquiries about enrolling your son or daughter. The enrolment process for New Entrants, starts around six weeks before your child turns five. For older students we ask you to get in contact as soon as you are able.
For students enrolling we ask you to email office@blockhousebay.school.nz providing your children's names and birth dates. Our staff will be in contact to arrange completion of enrolment documentation and to arrange an appointment with Neil Robinson, Principal, or Elizabeth Crisp, Associate Principal so that you can discuss your child's enrolment and you can view our school.
We work hard to ensure each child has a positive and successful transition to our school. We invite all families of five year olds to take part in school visits to help your child feel safe and ready to learn!
Enrolment Scheme
Please be aware that Blockhouse Bay Primary School is governed by an enrolment scheme, details of which can be seen in the ‘Enrolment Zone' publication below.
We look forward to hearing from you.
Starting School
Our goal is to help every child transition from their Early Learning Centre into school feeling welcome, secure, happy and safe and ready to carry on learning.
What happens?
After the enrolment interview, we invite you and your child to come to three visits so we can all get to know each other. Visits are usually on Wednesday mornings from 8.30 to 11am. We will give your child a book about their new teacher and class. It really helps if you read your child’s book with them, as it helps them to know what to expect at school.
How can you help?
At home:
• Let your child know how excited you are that they are going to start school. If you are confident and excited they will be too.
• Help them practise dressing themselves and looking after their own belongings.
• Encourage them to use the bathroom all by themselves.
• Give them lots of opportunity to draw, write, count and play with others. Play lots of games.
At school visits:
• Encourage your child to carry their own bag and look after their own belongings. This helps your child to be independent and confident.
• Pack a lunch box with a snack and a water bottle.
• Your child has some morning jobs to do when they get to school. Help them complete these.
• Play with your child in the classroom and don’t worry if they just want to watch for a while.
When will my five year old start school?
Five year olds can start school on the Monday after their 5th birthday. Some whānau (families) would like their child to start later than this, just let us know and we can talk about a plan for your child.
We can’t wait to meet you and your child!
Contact Nusrat Jeny at office@blockhousebay.school.nz
If you can understand Mandarin, you are very welcome to look at this video which provides some information about the school. Please click here to view Video 1 or Video 2.

At Blockhouse Bay Primary School, the school day starts at 8.50 and ends at 3pm. 8.30 is the best time to arrive at school so children can say Kia ora to their friends and unpack ready for the school day.
Children are not able to go into class before 8.15 as teachers are preparing for the school day. If you need to drop your child before this time please arrange Before School Care with ‘Bizzy Bodz’. Contact 021835627 or email admin@bizzybodz.co.nz.
Our timetable provides two 40 minute breaks. During the first break the children sit down to eat for the first ten minutes, supervised by a teacher. They may then play although some children may wish to continue eating.
During the second break children play for 30 minutes first, then have 15 minutes of eating time.
There will be the opportunity for a ‘Brain Food Break’ around 10am. Please note the timetable is adjusted for Red and Orange Level of the Curriculum Protection Framework. You can find details about this under the Information tab.
International Students
We welcome families from overseas to enrol their children to be part of Blockhouse Bay Primary School and our local community.
We offer the opportunity for your child to become a student at Blockhouse Bay Primary, to become a class member alongside ‘Kiwi kids’. Each week we aim to provide a local experience or activity for your child to practise their English, meet children from other nationalities and see what it is like to be a kiwi kid at Blockhouse Bay.
Please contact Leanne Hems at office@blockhousebay.school.nz for more information including International Student fees.
You are very welcome to look at these videos which provides some information about the school.
Please click here to view Video 1 and Video 2.