Reporting an Absence
It is important that tamariki attend school every day unless they are sick or for an important family reason such as a tangihanga or funeral. We also ask that trips are taken during normal school holidays.
We ask whānau to let us know if your child will be away from school and the reason why.
To report your child’s absence:
Go to the Hero app, sign in and click on the absence tab. Follow the prompts.
Ring the office on 09 627 9940. Follow the prompts to select the absence line.
Please provide your child’s full name, room and reason they are away.

Staying Well
Our School follows the guidelines provided by the Ministry of Education.
Public health measures continue to be followed:
If you are sick, please stay home and get tested.
Good hygiene is supported.
Cleaning routines in place at school.
Good ventilation is ensured at school.
Children who test positive with Covid-19 are asked to stay at home for 5 days.

At the start of the year Stationery Packs can be purchased online through Officemax.
Go to www.myschool.co.nz/blockhousebayprimary. Enter your child's name (no 'Student ID' required). Select the Year level for your child, this will link you straight through to the stationery list.
Your order will be delivered to your home. Please bring this to school on the first day of the school year.
During the year Kererū and Pūkeko may order from the school office but children from other levels will need to go to a local stationery shop.

Important Dates
Term 1
Monday 3rd February - Meet the Whānau Meetings
Tuesday 4th February - Term starts at 8.50 and finishes at 3pm
Thursday 6th February - Waitangi Day Holiday
Thursday 10th April - School finishes at 3pm
Friday 11th April - Teacher only Day
Term 2
Monday 28th April - Term starts at 8.50 and finishes at 3pm
Friday 30th May - Kahui Ako Colference/Teacher only Day
Monday 2nd June - King's Birthday Holiday
Friday 20th June - Matariki Holiday
Friday 27th June- School finishes at 3pm
Term 3
Monday 14th July - Term starts 8.50 and finishes at 3pm
Friday 19th September - School finishes at 3pm
Term 4
Monday 6th October - Term starts 8.50 and finishes at 3pm
Monday 27th October - Labour Day Holiday
Friday 21st November - Teacher only Day
Thursday 18th December - School year finishes at 1.30pm

At the start of the year Stationery Packs can be purchased online through Officemax.
Go to www.myschool.co.nz/blockhousebayprimary. Enter your child's name (no 'Student ID' required). Select the Year level / Room for your child, this will link you straight through to the stationery list.
Your order will be delivered to your home. Please bring this to school on the first day of the school year.
During the year Kererū and Pūkeko may order from the school office but children from other levels will need to go to a local stationery shop.

Cultural Groups
Students have the opportunity to participate in a range of groups where they can express their own culture as well as learn more about others. Both our Kapa Haka and Pasifika Groups provide our Māori and Pasifika students, along with others, the chance to share skills, learn from one another and experience success. We also have a Bollywood Group which is open to all students.

All students develop sporting skills during classroom programmes. Many other opportunities to participate in Sport exist at Blockhouse Bay Primary School particularly for Years 3-6. These include Athletics, Cross Country, Cricket, Flipper-ball, Swimming, Netball, Soccer, Rugby, Chess, Table tennis, and T-Ball.
For more details contact your child's teacher.

Hui and Fono
A Māori whānau group meets to discuss the needs and aspirations of Māori tamariki (children) and to partner with the school to best meet these needs.
Similarly Pasifika Fono takes place so that Pasifika parents and families can discuss ways we can best support our Pasifika learners.

Out of School Activities
Blockhouse Bay Primary School does not run after school activities but some outside providers do provide some on site. Please find information and contacts below:
Musiqhub: Runs classes during school and after school
Jakub Roznawski | Phone 0210242 0972 | Email jakub.roznawski@musiqhub.co.nz
Phone 021911459 | Email kids4drama@xtra.co.nz
Email coacherin@playball.co.nz

Concerns and Complaints
When things go wrong at school…
We want to know if you have a concern or complaint about something that has happened at school. We can then understand the concern or complaint and work to resolve it.
Most concerns or complaints can be solved with an informal talk with the person involved. However if you are still worried about something to do with your child or children go to Step 1. If your concern or complaint is more general or serious go straight to Step 2.
Make an appointment to speak to your child’s teacher.
If you are still concerned you can contact the office to make an appointment to speak to a member of the Senior Leadership Team or the Principal.
If the matter is not resolved you can make a formal complaint by writing an email or letter to the Principal, Board of Trustees Presiding Member or another Board member.
For more detailed information go to:
School Username: Blockhousebay
Password: soar
Please note: Copyright: Except where stated, the content on the SchoolDocs website is the copyright of SchoolDocs Ltd. It may not be reproduced without permission from SchoolDocs Ltd.
Then search 'Concerns and Complaints'

Year 6 Camp
A highlight for our Year 6 tamariki is camp! Every student has the opportunity to attend camp for 3 days and 2 nights and participate in many exciting and challenging activities. They grow in confidence and strengthen friendships. They arrive home tired but happy!
Details about Year 6 camp will be shared through our school app ‘Hero’.

Our Travel Policy encourages the use of a variety of ways of getting to and from school. Here are some possibilities!
Walking: Children can walk to and from school. Don't forget the option of 'Stop, Drop and Stroll!' This is a combination of car and walking, which is great for avoiding congestion!
Quick Drop off or Pick up: From 3pm until 3.20pm. Children can meet you at one of these school gates: Yellow, Library or Countdown Gate. School staff supervise children while they wait. If your child is in Pōhutukawa or Kōwhai please let the teacher know they are to wait at the gate.
Bike: Year 6 only. Children need to write to Mr Robinson for permission.
Click on the link below if you want more information or if you are interested in any of these initiatives - please contact the school office 627-9940 or office@blockhousebay.school.nz

School Pool
Our school pool is available for the school community to use over the summer.
Whānau may hire a pool key from school and immediate family may enjoy a swim and a catch up with other Blockhouse Bay School whānau.
This is dependent on the availability of community members to look after the pool. Details will be shared through our school app, Hero.

School Shop
Kindo is our online school shop. Families can pay for their child's school needs online - eg FAB school fundraisers e.g. Sausage Sizzle, Movie Nights or Pizza Days. Click on a link below to go to the shop or sign up.
New User? Click here
Already Registered? Shop now
Tutorial on how to use the school shop Click here

Before and After School Care
A 'Before & After School Care' Programme is offered at Blockhouse Bay Primary School, our Out of School care provider is Bizzy Bodz.
Students may attend any number of days a week on either a permanent or a casual basis from 7.00am to 8.20am and 3.00pm to 6.00pm. This service is quite popular and has a maximum number of places.
If you would like further information or an enrolment form, please contact Bizzy Bodz on Mobile 021835627 or at Te Whau (Hall), any afternoon after 3.00pm.